Behind the scenes: We are ready for the live stream

Behind the scenes: We are ready for the live stream

Published on 12 September 2020, 09:55

After weeks of preparations and a lot of anticipation, we finally are here and ready for our live stream. We will stream from 15:45 CEST and the speed challenge will start at 16:00 CEST.

You can join the stream on

Thanks Planwerk4 and Veyon for your great support!

Here some more behind the scenes impressions:

Photo 12.09.20, 09 33 08.jpg Cyril setting up OBS for the live stream

Photo 12.09.20, 09 40 34.jpg Our technicians for the streaming, Cyril and Ben

Photo 12.09.20, 08 58 01.jpg Testing the setup

Photo 12.09.20, 09 27 10.jpg The hosts and technicians

Photo 12.09.20, 09 33 36.jpg The streaming setup